It's quite essential to consider personal or household budgeting, everyone from the lowliest bedsit residing student to the guys that have more bedrooms than fingers. Creating and understanding your own budget is a very good idea. There are countless ways to do this from simple pen and paper to computerised spreadsheets or specialised programs, your own bank will probably even be willing to help you with forming your budget.
It's quite a marvel that few of UK households don't take the time to look at this. Often money can be saved simply because you've taken the time to lay the numbers out in-front of you to actually read them.
The simplest way to form a budget is the following; a piece of paper divided in two by a line, one side you title 'spending' the other side, 'earning'
Then simply add into each of these columns the details.
What have you spent? add it together grabbed a coffee at lunch for £1.45 ? add that too!
You need to see all your outgoing expenditurs, then total that column. It's best to set these totals to be for a week or a month, a set time period over which you can total things up.
Then the same for the other side, probably easier;
How much money have I gained in the same period? ... don't forget to add if John gave you back that tenner, it all counts!
You should now have 2 numbers, one shows how much you have taken in, the other how much money you're spending out. If the out is more than the in.. might be time to look at what is causing your spending to be so high.
The naked truth of budgeting is that it makes you aware of the money you use. Awareness is key don't let money start escaping from you or there will be some dark nights ahead. Take control of your personal budget.
If you need any help with budgeting, get in touch we can give you the tools to do it for yourself, or we can do the work for you!
Jackson Partners is dedicated to helping people get their lives back, take control of their money. Get in touch sooner rather than later.